Georgia law enforcement warns about ‘sugar daddy’ scheme

By Elizabeth Rawlins

ROSWELL, Ga. - Roswell police are warning folks about a scam circulating on social media. They call it the “sugar daddy” scheme. Scammers offering a weekly allowance in exchange for attention and affection.

If it sounds too good to be true, investigators said it probably is. They are warning folks about the latest scam circulating on Facebook and Instagram.

“Oftentimes, young women are targeted by someone offering to be their ‘sugar daddy’, a phrase that refers to someone who lavishes compensation for affection, attention, or sexual favors,” said Tim Lupo, Roswell Police Department spokesperson.

Investigators said victims will receive an unsolicited message offering a weekly allowance for attention and affection.

“We have had a couple of reports of this. As far as I know, only one person has fallen prey to it. The others have recognized there is something hinky and unusual about this,” said Lupo.

The scammers, investigators said, will then ask for the victim’s bank information to make the weekly deposits but instead drains their account.

“There’s often an element of flattery that can cause people to act against their better judgment,” said Lupo.

Victims may also be asked to buy a reusable prepaid gift card or debit card that can be reloaded each week.

“This may be a new tactic but the underlying principles that these scammers use are the same ones they’ve used for decades,” said Lupo.