IHTI's vision is that no child is exploited for labor or sex


The International Human Trafficking Institute (IHTI) is an initiative of the National Center for Civil and Human Rights. Our mission is to:

leverage the collective efforts of private, public, educational, faith-based, and civic organizations to accelerate local, national and global movements to end the trafficking of persons.

IHTI is a convener and conduit for research, advocacy, and resources to end sexual and labor exploitation in Metro-Atlanta, Georgia and beyond.



Align with metro-wide initiatives that address systemic conditions to improve social, educational, and economic conditions for youth and their families.

WHY: Vulnerable youth often live in impoverished communities, have frail families, and lack of positive adult relationships. They are more likely to be approached by a trafficker.


Introduce effective strategies to increase public will to hold buyers accountable for their illegal and harmful acts.

WHY: Human trafficking most be approached as a business model. Most local, national, and global anti-trafficking efforts are focused on only two of its parts the victims and traffickers. Demand drives the business of human trafficking.


Educate on products, food , and services created by trafficked labor.

WHY: Economies drive demand. Understanding ‘what’ you’re buying changes purchasing decisions.


1. Convener. IHTI convenes partners from the private, public, educational, multi-faith, advocacy, civic and philanthropy sectors to execute strategies, evaluate new learnings, and accelerate collective efforts.
2. Educate the Community. Training and education throughout the community to learn something, see something and do something is essential to end human trafficking.
3. Develop Programming. The Center for Civil and Human Rights positions IHTI with resources and capacity for programming which has a local, national, and global reach.
4. Improve Public Policy Implementation & Increase Public Will. It is a felony in all 50 states for a predator who is convicted of sexually exploiting a child. Throughout the country, however, that there is no consistent policy to arrest, charge and convict predators.
5. Enable Tech Solutions. Most transactions for human trafficking occur online via the web and social media. Technologies can also be used to deter, prevent, and identify illegal acts.
6. Train Our Partners. IHTI identifies and shares the latest research, practices, tools, and technologies addressing human trafficking.

our strategic plan

Our three-year strategic plan is grounded in interrupting the business model of human trafficking using technology, training, policy, compliance, outreach and awareness. Human trafficking exists when a trafficker seizes the business opportunity to sell humans, especially minors, to a customer seeking to purchase a person for exploited sexual or labor purposes. Wherever there are vulnerable populations and market demand, there are human trafficking transactions.